The most random stack of November reads.

This is a mixture of thrillers, mystery and one cute rom-com. If you guys have been following me for any amount of time, you know how much I love thrillers. But sometimes I need little palette cleanser, so I grabbed a contemporary romance that was just what I needed.
Hopefully, you find something that piques your interest.
Wow, this one had me gripped until the shocking twist that I DID NOT SEE COMING!!
It begins with a young woman, who is in recovery and working her way out of rehab. She gets a job as a live-in nanny to a 5 year-old- boy, Teddy. After a while, he begins to draw gruesome pictures of a murder. Although the parents are strict, they don’t seem to be too concerned with these sinister sketches.
If you like a good thriller with a mystery involved, this one is one to pick up!
I love the premise of this one, inspired by Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train. The characters meet, and propose to swap murders for each other. It’s the perfect crime right? A total stranger, nothing to link you to them and even better you have a airtight alibi because you didn’t do it…. just planned it.
This one will keep you sucked in because of the twists and turns. If you’re a thriller fan, this is a definite must-read.
After two intense thrillers, I needed a palette cleanser and my friend Jess recommended this at the perfect time.
A contemporary romance with an “accidental pregnancy” trope is not something I would pick out on my own, but I’m so glad I did.
This was so sweet and wholesome. The banter between Win and Bo was so cute and it made me fall in love with these characters and their story. This author’s note sums it up perfectly.
❛ But this book is a lot more than a one-night stand turned baby. It’s about learning to let someone see the messy, needier parts of you. ❜
This one was woahhh! It made me cry, it made me angry and it made me think.
This was a good, twisty thriller!!! This plot had a special element that I think would be best to go in blind. Ruth-Ann lost her best friend when she was a child. And the serial killer that was suspected is now dead. But a new little girl goes missing, and Ruth finds herself looking for answers. I did find the storyline to be appealing, it just didn’t capture me the way I would’ve liked. All in all, I’m glad I finished it. Thank you to NetGalley the author and publisher for an advanced copy of the book, all opinions are my own.