I have to preface this post by saying I DO NOT have it all together and I definitely don’t “do it all” I have a messy life, I never truly feel organized or prepared but I TRY. Isn’t that what we all do? I have a full time job and I’m also a wife and mommy of two; my life is non stop. But I have an amazing husband who is my support system and an incredible family that will step in at the drop of a hat.
It all started last week when I posted this silly meme about being exhausted on my Facebook page and I got so many amens! #truth!
I mean, being a mom by itself is exhausting and add full time teacher… it is exhausting! I thought about a few things that help me keep my head above water that I wanted to share. This is, by no means, the way to a perfect life or the way to complete “control” but these are just a few tips that I have learned along the way of being a full time everything.
This may seem obvious but trust me, you need help. You know that saying “it takes a village”? Well, it does. If you need time to work, do the dishes or just wash your hair, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your family, your husband, a neighbor… all of these people know you’re workload and they are willing to help. Plus your kids need one-on-one time with adults other than you and your husband.
One thing Mr.Spouse promised me when I went back to work full time was a housekeeper. There are way too many things to be done than there is time to do it. I’m serious. This is not me being lazy or not wanting to sweep, mop and clean the toilets. This is a necessity if you and your spouse both work full time. Don’t spend those precious hours with your kids washing handprints off the glass door for the seventeenth time. Take pictures, give them kisses and read them their favorite book, you will thank me later.
My kids are little but, holy cow we can dirty some clothes. Designate a day that you will get it done. Take your ipad or phone with you to the laundry room and catch up on your favorite show or your latest Periscopes. My girlfriend Shelley and I were just talking about how much faster it goes when you have something to watch and to take your mind off the millionth tiny onsie you have to somehow fold. 🙂
I hate loathe washing dishes y’all! You have no idea! I would rather fold two million tiny onsies before taking on the sink of full of dishes. I hate loading the dishwasher, (I suck at placing them perfectly, so water builds up) and our current dishwasher doesn’t dry them properly so when you open a “clean” load everything is DRIPPING wet. So I end up hand washing e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g I know, I know I’m doing it to myself but geez you guys why do the kids use 6 sippy cups a day? {They need to learn to wash dishes}. My point is, if you do it before bed, you wake up to a clean kitchen and that makes a WORLD of difference.
There is no time like the silent morning when no one is awake to do whatever you want/need to start the day. Whether it’s a bible study, catching up on your calendar to-do lists or just having a cup of coffee without any interruption, this will start your day off right! I promise.
When you go to the grocery store, plan out what your making each night of the week. Writing your meals down prepares you and your family for the week. I love Shay’s cook book for meal prep, she plans your grocery list for you and makes it so easy! “Because cooking isn’t hard; it’s deciding what to make that’s a challenge.”
You must do this for your sanity. You don’t always have to spend money to do this. You can go for a long walk/run, snuggle up with your favorite book or get a mani/pedi. Whatever you are comfortable doing, just make time for yourself to keep your peace of mind! This also goes for making date nights and sticking to them! It’s super important for you and your spouse to stay connected and date nights are a perfect time to do that.
Birthday parties, swim class, hockey games, dentist appointments…. these are all things that our monthly calendar will hold. We put it right on the fridge where BOTH OF US will see it. Yes, I still use my EC planner with pretty pens and washi tape but I MUST put it on the family calendar so Zach and I are on the same page. End your Sunday night chatting with your hubby (over dessert) about the upcoming week and what to expect. Do it.
I mean duh. We all want to look good or at least, pretend to look good. But more importantly we want to FEEL GOOD and BE HEALTHY! Teach your kiddos that health is important and exercise is key. Choose something you enjoy doing and do it! I love doing Camp Gladiator in the summer and I try to do PIYO from home during the school year. If I can work out 3 times a week, then I call it a success. Start small and push yourself from there.
Open your bible, start a bible study, join a group of like-minded people to go through life with. Even during the hardest day, playing some worship music and opening my bible gives me so much peace. Psalm 55:22
These may seem like tiny or simple things but when you try your best to do most of them you will be successful! For most of us this is a reminder, so put it on your forefront. Make lists and do it! It feels so good to be productive so don’t make excuses. Now don’t get me wrong, you’re going to have bad days, bad weeks and even bad months but don’t let those times suck you in to a rut, fight it off and make the best of it!
Hopefully, you can take one thing from the list and run with it!
Godspeed my friends!
Kimm says
Love this girl! And there are seriously not enough hours in the day!!!
mandilynnmoore@gmail.com says
I know right?! Thanks for stopping by!