We’re at that point in the year that we ALL have a little bit of spring fever. My students do a pretty good job at staying on task but I was needing that little boost of surprise to keep them on their toes.
Rachelle, over at What the Teacher Wants originally posted this fabulous idea and I love it! I made a different template to match my student’s needs (and what I had in the pantry).
I keep this super simple!!!! I have ONE basket and about 24 eggs (21 students) If I see a student on task I just praise them and ask them to quietly stand up and choose an egg. They read it aloud to the class and get their reward immediately. Since we don’t have school on Friday I thought this would be better than my warm fuzzies because they won’t be able to trade out for “Fun Friday.” I’ll keep a class checklist at my fingertips so I can be sure every child gets chosen at least once, I’ll choose 5 students a day. It’s a win-win. Everyone is happy!
Most of the rewards are intangible but the few that are I’ll just keep those rewards in a small bucket behind my desk if they choose it. I “talk up” each reward so much that usually they are ecstatic but occasionally you have a child ask can I choose a different one. The answer is no. That’s when we remind… “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit”…. or ask for something else. Our school-wide lesson is all about being grateful for what you get, no matter what it may be so I just gently remind them of this and we move on.
I always try to get things for my own kid’s eggs that aren’t candy so I purchased a few rolls of these stickers from Oriental Trading a few weeks ago and you should also check out these little stamps. I’ll just tear off 2-3 and they roll up nicely to fit in the eggs.
My basket is from Target and most of the eggs are from the Dollar Tree.
If you like this template you can download it here.
If you’re looking for a few Easter themed units, check these out!