Hey there mamas and teachers! I wanted to share my latest Better Life Bag, the Nicole.
I always need a good quality bag for back and forth from school and home. I usually bring home my computer, power cord, my Erin Condren Planner and a few other folders or important papers. I never bring home more than that. Usually because it ends up staying untouched in my bag while I’m having family time at home. So without further ado here is my latest obsession!
Isn’t she pretty?
If you’re not familiar with the Better Life Bag company allow me to fill you in. Their mission is to hire women who have various barriers to employment to make custom leather and fabric bags. They are adopted into the Better Life family and given a chance to succeed in life, family, and friendship. There is something special when you get your hand written note with your order that says, This bag was made for you by: ____. It empowers women to work for something they believe in and make beautiful, quality bags.
BLB company has a fully customizable option. You can choose from hundreds of different styles, colors and prints, leather preference, even down to the hardware and zipper pouches on the inside of your bag. Another great thing about these bags is the QUALITY! They last through thick and thin!
This particular style is called the Nicole, it is a great size for a computer bag. It holds everything inside perfectly!
Better Life Bags has all these wonderful accessories! I have my eye on customizing a lanyard for my school id, aren’t they precious?! I also love the water bottle!
Follow them on Facebook and Instagram for the latest styles and sales! If you sign up for their newsletter you get 10% off your first purchase! What are you waiting for?! Go get one!
If you’re interested in my planner and/or folders I got them here at Erin Condren. They have tons of cover options for teacher AND life planners! If you click this referral link, you will get a $10 off coupon. I also love the stickers and other notepads and thank you cards.
Thanks for stopping by friends! I’m off to enjoy my last bit of summer before school starts.
This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer. This post contains affiliate links which means that if you clicked on a link and made a purchase I may receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting my blog.

[…] I was lucky enough to get an amazing Better Life Bag to review for back to school (teacher style) and I was overwhelmed with the love I received about this pretty bag! To read more about it check out this post. […]