Mia has been the perfect blessing to complete our family. I can not be more proud to have created two of the most precious things in the entire world.
The first week was incredible. We brought home a little baby, big brother learned to transition and I was recovering from a second c-section. Zach was literally super dad! I knew he was amazing but he really stepped it up to take care of all 3 of us. It’s true what they say, “with two kids it’s man on man”. I couldn’t imagine having any more haha! We have gotten in a pretty good routine with giving each child individual quality time and switching off duties for each kiddo, we make a pretty good team ;).
Mia had her days and nights mixed up for a few weeks and really is on no routine. She sleeps the majority of the day and when she’s awake, she’s nursing or pooping. I love letting her sleep on me and that’s the best way to get her to sleep in 3-4 hour spurts at night. If I put her in her rock n play she will most likely wake up after an hour and half or so. She is definitely VERY different from Maddox, she does NOT like being swaddled or taking a paci. The two things that saved us with him she absolutely HATES. Oh well, I guess that’s a sign of things to come with a little princess. 🙂
Mommy, Daddy and brother love having you around. We love to watch you sleep and especially love snuggling you. Maddox is always saying your name and pointing where ever you are, he has even started calling you “sissy”. Daddy always talks to you and you just stare at him and listen. You love holding mommy’s finger and sleeping on my chest and I just love it!
We are so blessed God chose us to be your parents. We could not love you more!
Thank you for being so perfect.
Mommy, Daddy and brother
Things you LOVE

She is just perfect!!!!