I’ve been wanting to do a “Day in the Life” post for a while now so I finally got around to it. I love reading about everyone’s day so I thought I would share mine. I feel like you learn so much about a person by following their day. Am I right?!

So here we go…
4:45 Alarm goes off. I usually set my Alexa (in the bathroom) so I have to get up and I can’t “snooze it”.

4:50 Obviously I go potty, then brush my teeth and wash my face. Most days I have work out clothes laid out (it makes it so much easier). Quick change hair up and to the office for bible study and devotional. I try to chug a bottle of water during this time.

5:15 I start a Beachbody workout. I’m currently doing Transform 20 and I love the quick intense session.

6:00 Shower and get ready for work.

6:30 Get kids up (if they’re not already up). We make breakfast, snacks and lunches for the day. It’s craziness but it’s pretty much the only way we know.
7:00 Kids and I say goodbye to Zach as he helps load us in the car. Then head to school.
7:30 First cup of coffee and I’m ready to welcome my students.

9:00 I’m usually working on bulletins, prepping reading books or lesson planning while my students are in specials.
10:00-11:00 Lots of learning going on around here….

1:15- On this particular day, my lunch isn’t until 1:15 so I do a quick snack and a shake.

We are usually home and outside by 4:30. The weather has been beautiful so the kids play until dinner time which is usually around 5:45-6:00.

7:00- The kids take a shower and we get everyone ready for bed. We like to do stories together but on this night we split up and I took Maddox. I let him read one book to me then I read one to him.

8:00- Kids are asleep and Zach and I have some down time. We usually watch a show, or just catch up and have a drink on the couch.
9:30- We are usually in bed. Some nights Zach works a little longer but most of the time we just read or talk then drift off to sleep.
Whew! What a day! Thanks for following along, I just love sharing bits and pieces of my life with you guys. I can’t believe we only have 14 days of school left, then it’s summer time! I’ll have to do a Day in the Life post about our summer days because they will look really different!
Happy Monday friends!