As we are all navigating this crazy time at home with our families I wanted to offer you some support the only way I know how. I have found so much joy in being a teacher while at home, but I realize this is not the case for every family. I know some families are made of single parents, or full time working parents and my heart and prayers go out to those in a tough situation. I pray you find a nice groove and how to juggle it all. Hopefully these resources will give you more options for your child.

While I’ve enjoyed sharing what we’ve been doing at home through Instagram, many of you have asked for help with more resources so I’ve set up a little cheat sheet for you guys full of my resources that I’m offering free of charge. Hopefully you can find something that will help!
These play dough mats are a fun and engaging way for your preschooler to practice letter formation and fine motor skills. All you need is play dough, a printer and laminator.

This one is great practice if you don’t have any handwriting workbooks. This is a simple trace and color writing practice for lower case and upper case.
For more Pre-K work resources check out my friend Abby’s blog. She has a wealth of knowledge on teaching littles and she provides multiple options for at- home learning.

This is a resource FULL of practice pages, flashcards and assessments. Use this as you need with your little learners to drill sight word practice.

These math match up cards cover many standards, including counting mixed coins, base ten counting, 3d shapes and time to the half hour. All you need to do is print, laminate and cut out. Students can play many ways including memory match!

Use these prompts for your child to have fun writing. You can read to them or have them cut out and glue onto the top of their journal pages.

This is an activity pack that comes with multiple math & literacy activities that are great for kindergarten or first grade review.

If your child is struggling with memorizing what each coin looks like this is a great resource to use as a reminder.

I shared a simple puzzle that I created by using a hundreds chart and cutting it up into as many pieces as I could to challenge.
Here is my store link for more resources. I’ve also shared my Amazon Affiliate page for At Home Learning items and my School Items list page as well. You can also follow my Pinterest board for home learning.
If you’re looking for more outside the box ideas, check out my friend Cara’s post on 25 reading activities for home. You will love her crazy-fun ideas!
Praying you and your family stay healthy and happy during this time. My heart goes out to you all!