It’s the last month of summer and we have done all the summer vacations. We are stuck at home in the 105-degree weather and some days we are BORED. And although it’s fun to swim, a little, I think you just need to stay away from the sun sometimes.
Especially if you’re working from home and your child constantly needs your attention, this might help your child’s imagination create some play time that is fun, safe, and easy to do.

boredom busters
I started a list of 32 activities that I believed would fit the personalities of my kiddos and created this. I printed and cut them out, then added them to a canister that was about to be put in the recycling.
easy to do
There are only a few steps to make one of these for your own child. I’ve even added a blank page so you can add some of your own activities that would fit the needs of your children.
set the rules
My ornery child will most likely pick from the bucket and say, “I don’t want to do this one”. But you need them to BUY IN! Make it mandatory that whatever they pick, they MUST do it. They can create their own spin on it, but they must do the activity. They may whine about it at first, but before you know it, they are in their rooms playing and creating fun on their own.
watch them create
Although, rules are important, try not to stifle their creativity. For instance, if they pick the activity, “create a lego room for animals” but they want to create a lego maze instead, allow it! That way they are turning the idea into their own!
No printer? No problem!
You can write down activities and pull them out of a hat. You can use a sharpie and write the ideas on popsicle sticks. Whatever you have on hand to make this easy and accessible.
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