Hi guys! Hope you're enjoying sweet summertime! I know I am! 😎 Hey, did you know I'm a teacher? Well, it's true. I've taught for 8 years and I have recently COMBINED my blogs. I know there will be mixed emotions for some of my readers but I pray that you continue to support me by visiting and sharing with someone that may enjoy reading about my adventures whether it be teaching or just … [Read more...]
Egg-celent Job!
We're at that point in the year that we ALL have a little bit of spring fever. My students do a pretty good job at staying on task but I was needing that little boost of surprise to keep them on their toes. Rachelle, over at What the Teacher Wants originally posted this fabulous idea and I love it! I made a different template to match my student's needs (and what I had in the … [Read more...]
Still prepping my Class…
Anyone else overwhelmed with classroom prep, professional development AND getting first week/month plans ready? Am I the only one raising my hand? When I finally got both kids in bed tonight I just wanted to have a glass bottle of wine and drown myself in sorrow but instead I opened my computer and got to work. Although this time of the year is so exhausting, it's also VERY exciting! … [Read more...]
TPT Vegas 2015
It happened... I went to Vegas and schmoozed with the best of them! I still can't believe all the wonderful people I met and all the amazing things I learned. I came back SO motivated and READY to work! I had been chatting with Crystal over at Kreative in Kinder (who is amazing by the way) and she mentioned they had room for me to crash with them during Vegas week.... Umm … [Read more...]
Halloween Fun & a FREEBIE!
I am so excited to have the chance to incorporate some Halloween fun in my math stations this year. My previous district didn't allow anything like that so now I get to make some fun math games and activities and use all those erasers that I've been hoarding from the Target Dollar spot! Here's a preview of what we've been doing! We've been practicing adding one more and one less. And … [Read more...]
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