We had the most beautiful Easter weekend, family, friends and lots of time together. We hope you had a happy Easter with your loved ones.
Here’s how our four day weekend went down.

Friday morning we started the day with a late breakfast at one of our favorite spots in town. This latte ya’ll!

We spent most of the day lounging around and hanging outside, the weather has been so perfect. The kids are obsessed with finding bugs and snakes in our yard. They absolutely LOVE observing them and then letting them free. I just hope they don’t find anything worse than a garden snake.

Saturday was such a low-key day. We celebrated Easter with my brother, sissy and bro in law. The kids had a blast with their cousins and I LOVED all that baby time with Mavery. Gosh they are just so precious!

Sunday morning we had a fun time following the clues to their Easter baskets. The kids loved searching the house for each clue. I didn’t even snap any photos because they were so quick. They loved their baskets.

After church Maddox asked the dreaded question… “Did you and Daddy give us our baskets? Because I know the easter bunny is not real.” As my heart kind of sank, knowing my sweet 6 and 4 year old weren’t quiet ready to know this yet we reluctantly told them the truth. We had a great discussion about how Easter is really about Jesus and the bunny and all the egg hunting was just for fun. I just pray they don’t ask about Santa! Our church gives us these Easter bags and it was such a great way to talk about Jesus death with each little item to represent something about His life.
After church on Sunday we spent the afternoon with Zach’s family and the kids had a wonderful time. We just love hanging with the fam and letting the cousins play.

This was the best… just watching them open eggs and find treats.

We wrapped up the weekend by getting hair cuts. Mia had her first trim. Cutting off those baby curls made me super sad, but it also made me so happy seeing my baby girl grow up. She is so beautiful, I don’t care what her hair looks like, I just want her to be a strong, independent girl. And so far, she is rocking it.

We hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Lots of love my friends!