We finally got to find out what my beautiful sissy and her husband were having. These two are like no other couple I’ve ever known. They (not only) are madly in love, but they have a huge love for Disney, traveling, and making amazing memories. Vince is so creative, he makes beats, which leads to videos and music. I mean ya’ll it is the coolest thing ever. Click the links below to see some of his work.
So they decided for their gender reveal they were going to create a video of their story and reveal the gender from the doctor’s office.
Here’s what the party leading up to it looked like.
Sissy love
Big brother and little sissy
Our amazing family!
Sissy’s amazing friends!
Pitocco family!
Team Princess
Team Prince
And of course, reaching for sissy!
She does not want to give up her time with her Aunt Sissy, she’s a little attached… to say the least.
And here they are with my two favorite littles.
This was my reaction!
Here it is, the video heard round the world (of Facebook). It is really the cutest thing ever!
I bought this shirt (assuming I was right) and guess what? I was right! I mean isn’t this the most perfect shirt ever?! In case you didn’t know Mindy WAS Minnie..in Disney, for real, in the Holiday Parade and everything. Legit. So it was perfect! See our visit to see her HERE.
My sister has been my very best girlfriend my entire life! I can’t wait to share motherhood with her! She is going to be the most amazing mommy! She was so meant for it!
kimm atwood says
I loved watching the video. So did they wait and find out at the party what they were having ?
Holly @ While I'm Waiting... says
Oh my goodness! Tears as I was watching the video! So incredibly sweet! Thank you so much for sharing!!!