I love fall! I love it so much, but living in Texas we hardly get ANY of that beautiful, crisp autumn air because it goes from 100 degrees to about 40 degrees in December. It’s a sharp turn and it’s not fair that we only get a few short weeks of it.
Do I still wear sweaters and booties? YEAH!
Do I still order a hot #PSL even when it’s 90 outside? YEAH!
Do I crank down my air conditioning so I can light a candle and snuggle under a cozy blanket? YEAH!
Listen, in the name of AUTUMN, you do what you gotta do!D

Ok, enough about that. Let’s get down to business, and talk home decor! Most of these items are my staples, I keep them in a large air tight bin in the attic and bust ’em out every September, but some of these are too cute to pass up so I wanted to share. I can’t believe these items are all under $30!!!