- One of my favorite times of the day is seeing these beautiful babies off in the morning. They’re always so happy and excited to see their friends. They continuously smile and giggle and it makes me happy!
2. This song is currently my f a v o r i t e !
Sometimes these songs come around that just stick with you. Something about it hits you hard and you can’t get it off your mind. This one has been that one for me. Everytime I hear it I get really emotional and just worship it’s sooo good. But when I saw the video….. I was bawling!!! Addiction is evil and I’m sure everyone has a story that can relate in some way but THIS is worth watching. #jesussaves
3. Easter is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I love teaching my kids about Jesus’ resurrection and the importance of easter. But I’m also a sucker for spoiling them! Here are the baskets from this year. See this post to get a few more ideas!
4. After reading Big Little Lies in January I was totally hooked and couldn’t wait for the HBO Premiere. After watching a few episodes I was kind of bummed that they strayed from the exact story line and character developments. But after watching the ENTIRE series I must say… I was pleasantly surprised! I LOVED the finale especially. It was gorgeously shot and the music was perfection, I’m thinking about getting the soundtrack!!!! If you haven’t read it or watched it, I highly recommend it.
5. Dinner on the back patio. That is all. #roseallday
Linking up with Andrea, Narci and Erika for Friday Favorites.
Natasha, Christina and Jenny for 5 on Friday.

I’m dying to see Big Little Lies! I thought they cast each person perfectly. And I’m super jealous of your sushi dinner!!
I’m so sad Big Little Lies is over!! The music was awesome. Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend !!!
I just read “Big Little Lies” and loved it, now I am badly wanting to see the show. I am just like you with Easter, I LOVE teaching my kiddos about the true meaning of Easter but also spoiling them a little, I am getting their Easter basket goodies today. Have a great weekend Mandi!