Short weeks always feel like long weeks. This one was a tough one…
I couldn’t stop laughing at this one! It’s so true!

After a long weekend getting back in the routine of things was hard. But we are excited to finish strong with just a few weeks left of school. Here are a few of my favs from this week.

This was a huge favorite this week. Sharing our kitchen remodel and sharing my favorite decor items from Amazon. If you want to take another look, check out this blog post.

What a blessing to have this huge yard that can fit this giant play set. The kids were super sad to leave our old neighborhood (right next door to a park). But now they have their own park. Now we just need to fill it with lots of friends! We bought this from a friend but can you believe this play set‘s specific name is the Maverick? Ummmm, thanks God, we know you are always looking out. #missingmav

My big boy left this on my board before he left to class yesterday and it just melted my heart!! The speech bubble is a little scrambled but it says “all you need is love”. Thank you for that reminder sweet boy.

This book is very disturbing…but I couldn’t put it down. It was a rollercoaster of emotions because I didn’t know who I should feel sympathetic for… maybe every one.
This is about a married couple that adopts an abused, 6 year old girl. They didn’t realize how hard it would be to foster and care for a traumatized child. I just read that Lucinda Berry is a trauma psychologist and uses her experience to create psychological thrillers.
If you’re interested in other good reads, check out this post with all of my book reviews.

I can’t wait to re create this photo at Fiesta San Antonio this weekend with the fam! We loving visiting Memaw and we really enjoy getting to experience the fun Fiesta and watching the parade.
Enjoy your weekend sweet friends!