Friday Favorites- Chili Cook Off! February 19, 2016 Wow, what an incredible week. Y’all, I am ex-hau-sted! This shirt perfectly sums up my current mood. #HelloooooooFriday #letmehugyou When the weather is nice we will ALWAYS have some park pics. Story of her life, reaching for bubba! Very next day she got what she wanted…. He held her hand all the way to the car. #meltmommysheart Happy girl! Maddox and I playing with Snapchat. Cute little puppy! Our school does a HUGE event and every team dresses up in a theme… guess what we were! Luckily Poppy came to watch Maddox while Daddy and I served chili for a bit. They rode the train! This boy LOVED the trains!!! And of the course the band!! Blurry pics means we’re having fun! Mia had a fun girl’s night with Aunt Sissy and we had a ton of fun with this big kid!! Have a great weekend!
Caitlin Elisabeth says February 19, 2016 at 7:09 pm that shirt is adorable my friend! so glad i came across your blog through the linkup and i can't wait to read more! hope you'll stop by mine!
So fun
that shirt is adorable my friend! so glad i came across your blog through the linkup and i can't wait to read more! hope you'll stop by mine!