Last week I had the privilege of attending the amazing Linda Hoyt workshop with some of my co workers and I learned SOO much! Linda and her partner Kelly Boswell shared their ideas from their recent book Solutions for Reading Comprehension! I also bought Mrs. Hoyt’s book Revisit, Reflect, Retell: Time TestedStrategies for Reading Comprehension and I love it! It is so useful, there are not just theories and suggestions, but researched based ideas and worksheet that can be used in the classroom! She also includes a DVD of her modeling two of the strategies in the book! So amazing!
Aside from the excitement of learning everything from Linda and her colleague I got the pleasure of meeting one of my favorite bloggers April Larremore!! If you do not know her blog Chalk Talk: A Kindergarten Blog… you need to move it and move it fast!! She was a kindergarten teacher for 14 years and now she is a strategist for her district! She is super amazing and you can get so much info from her blog! She was so sweet, I felt like a gushing kid over a celebrity!! April is actually having a giveaway this week of a signed copy of Laura Numeroff’s newest book, “The Jellybeans Big Adventure”. Hope I win!
Mandi Moore
Coconut Cutie says
Hey there sweetie pie! I am your newest follower on your blog and teachers pay teachers. Your blog is so cute! I like the new look!
Heather's Heart says
I love both of those ladies! =)
Heather's Heart
applesandabcs says
I won the book…
Apples and ABC's
I was freaking out, I was so excited!