Super happy before our 15 month shots.
At 15 month check up:
HEIGHT: 31.5 inches
WEIGHT: 24.6 lbs.
LOVES: bath time, reading books, going for walks, crawling on Cope, family time and swimming!
EATING: everything! He loves, tortillas, fruit, crackers, fruit/veggie squeeze pouches and Baby Einstein!
CLOTHES: this boy is mostly in 18 month clothes… some shorts are still 12 months.
SIBLING DUTY: Maddox is proudly working on saying Sissy! He’s also practicing kissing mommy’s tummy. He can’t wait to meet her in December.
Speaking of little sister if you haven’t seen our announcement here it is!
We also visited our old friend Grayson!!
Just another walk in the park!
Trying to say “stop it”
First phone conversation