May has been CRAAAZYYYYY! I can’t help but think of this hilarious parody by the Holderness family about the madness of MAY!
“We got all these things to do, when the year is almost through. End of year testing again, stressing them out. Mornings we are zombies, your lunch is a piece of cheese. Guess what? It’s gonna be May!”
I did manage to read two books and listen to one so let’s get started!
This one was definitely a good one to read with a good glass of wine (and psst if you haven’t tried this Rose, you should!) This book was a page turner for sure! Just when you think you know the whole story…. bam! Another twist slaps you in the face! I really enjoyed this one, even though it got a ton of mixed reviews. I didn’t go into with extremely high expectations and maybe that’s why but either way it was a good read!
This one was a mixed review although the second half was incredible! The first half was a little too slow with character development (which I know was important). But if you stick through until almost halfway you will be glad you did. The final twist was a shocker for sure and the ending was like… what?!
This one was a very powerful read about privilege, power and race. Although it was a bit hard for me to read about a newborn baby going into cardiac distress, the examination of racism in America today was very well worth it. It was more about the courtroom drama and dealing with racism and Picoult puts things in perspective for sure! I highly recommend this book, it’s a 5 star read at it’s finest!