Memorial Day Then & Now… May 27, 2014 Flashback: Last year we had a blast dipping our little one into the pool. These sweet memories will last forever! Now one year later, we enjoyed our time in the pool once again! Visiting with family! And then we were naked. #sweetcheeks Even though it rained a little on Memorial Day it didn’t stop us from enjoying our family and honoring those that served! God Bless America!
Stephanie Cox says May 28, 2014 at 2:31 am Baby Boy looked like he had the time of his life in the water! Our little guy hasn't yet gotten in the water this summer but I am sure he will LOVE IT!
Stephanie Cox says
Baby Boy looked like he had the time of his life in the water! Our little guy hasn't yet gotten in the water this summer but I am sure he will LOVE IT!