You sleep like a champ, usually 7-7 with a 2-2.5 hour nap during the day. You are very easy going and love when we talk to you. You have started dancing (swaying) whenever we sing to you and you clap when something makes you happy. You love crawling through the house and being outside. You get so excited for bath time (I think because you get uninterrupted brother time) and you would stay in the bath forever if you could! We love you fiercely baby girl!
Things you LOVE
– pulling up on stuff
-crawling with one knee
-making noise
-rice, beans, pears, eggs, french fries
& pretty much any table food you try
(from 9 month check up)
Height: 27.1 (21st)
Weight: 20 lbs. 6 oz. (82nd)
Teeth: 6 (4 bottom & 2 on top)
This is pretty much her best friend. She can watch him all day and loves to try to keep up with him. They are just the sweetest little siblings in the whole wide world.
She’s also a daddy’s girl. She lights up when daddy is around.
Mia is on the move.
This month started with lots of army crawling and planking…
Which led to LOTS of standing and pulling up!!
Good grief, I just want to remember this squishy little face with those tiny little teeth and that perfect smile forever! How blessed are we?
She is so perfect! Just the sweetest little baby girl!!!!