I am literally in tears right now. This can’t be happening. Mia was supposed to stay a tiny little baby for-ev-er! Why is she growing? No one said she could!!
I can’t even begin to describe our love for you! You are SUCH an amazing little girl. Your light shines so brightly wherever you go and you light up every room with your toothless smile. Big brother LOVES picking you up from your class each day and giving you kisses before bedtime. Everytime he’s near you, you just follow him and listen to him intently, especially when he sings to you. Daddy and I have been so blessed by you and we thank God everyday for you! Thank you for making our family complete.
Love you to the moon and back Mia Love!!
-going to school
-when people talk to you
-bath time
-sitting up in your chair

She is just perfect! Time should definitely slow Down