This sweet precious girl has brought so much joy, happiness and blessings to our family it is imaginable. She is the such a bright light and always brings smiles to everyone around her.
Weight: 15.3 lbs. (50th percentile)
Height: ?
Clothes: 6 months
Diaper size: 3
You have turned our world upside down in the most beauitful way. You are talking so much and we love hearing your voice. You wake up smiling, you go to sleep smiling and it makes everyone else smile!! You are so happy all the time! You love watching big brother show you how to play with your toys and you love hearing him talk. We couldn’t imagine our life without you.
We love you Mia-Baby!
(New) Things you LOVE
-your fingers
-stroller rides
-sitting up
-your paci
-your excersaucer
Things you HATE
Memaw came for a few days to visit and you got lots of snuggles!
Mia’s favorite place is on the table or kitchen counter, she likes being in on the action!
Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby?
She does so good sleeping at in her crib. She goes down around 7-7:30 and we have to wake her up at 6:45 to leave for school!
First thing in the morning she is SMILING!
I can’t help but taking mommy/Mia selfies!!
Just another walk in the stroller, you think she likes it?
Here’s a photo without a smile, this was during our garage sale. She was upset that we weren’t out shopping.
Sadly, this month we had to say goodbye to Aunt Sissy and Uncle Vinny. Vinny’s got a huge management promotion that uprooted them to Cypress (North Houston area). We were very sad to see them go but we’ve had plenty of FaceTime dates!
Mia and mommy matching… stay tuned for more matching outfits! hehe
She is just perfect!! Time is flying by!!!!