My Friday morning started with this cutie and Muffins with Mom at his school.
Cue the mommy tears… my first Mia footprint craft, I literally cried when I got this!
Saturday began my pampering… kinda.
Can he be any cuter?????!!
Thank you honey for this beautiful treasure!
Hubby also took a hint that I’ve been DYING to get this adorabe hoodie from this cute shop.
Now all I need is “Brother Bear” and “Sister Bear”.
Maybe I can talk Zach into wearing “Papa Bear” here’s to hoping!
How did I get so lucky?
Maddox and Mia had so much fun with thier cousins!!
This day was very special but it was not complete without my mom.
Even though mom was miles away in San Antonio we were able to facetime so she could see the kids and give them kisses.
This mother’s day was not the same. I miss you every day and I am so thankful for you! You have shown me how to be a selfless mom and how to overcome anything that comes my way. You’re strength and endurance has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for giving me all the love in the world. You are one amazing mommy. We can’t wait to see you and give you lots of hugs and kisses!!
This reminding me of you Mom.

So glad you had such a nice weekend! Those babies are blessed to have such a wonderful mama!!!