I’m sure you heard the phrase, “they grow so fast”. Sometimes life gets in the way of enjoying my kids being little. Right now they are 6 and 4 and they are the most fun…. and the most work!
Every season brings a new battle. It’s no longer teething or sleeping through the night but now it’s bedtime stalling, healing wounds and shuttling each kiddo to their different activities. Sometimes I look to the future for things to “get easier” and sometimes I reminisce about the past when they were “so little”. But I have to remind myself to cherish these moments that are happening right now. Almost every night Mia calls me up about 74…. million times. Sometimes it’s for water, or a hug or to scratch her back. And after the first 2 million I get really frustrated. But I have to realize she won’t always want mommy to lay in her bed and scratch her back. So I willingly go up and enjoy the moments she is giving me to enjoy her being 4.

My amazing girl Katelynn over at Kurrent Khaos took some photos of the kids and she really captured their personalities… and the kids had so much fun! If you are local, I HIGHLY recommend her, she has the most natural and clean style!

Maddox is finishing up Kindergarten with the most amazing teacher. He is reading well, has great writing and loves wearing athletic clothes every day. He played Flag Football in the fall and is starting his third season of baseball. He lost his first tooth right after his 6th birthday and is really showing his strength in different talents and skills.
He is definitely a lover, not a fighter. He is so gentle and loving. He loves nature and being outside. He is an amazing big brother and makes me tear up all the time with his sweetness.

Oh Mia Moore. This girl is something else. If you know her, you love her. She is strong, independent and sassy all at once! Her favorite foods are fried shrimp and whatever you are eating. She loves sweets and always asks for them. She completed her first season in competitive cheer and loved making new friends. She loves riding cars, scooters and bikes outside. She enjoys digging in the dirt for worms and bugs. She misses her baby brother Maverick and always prays for him. She is a firecracker and we absolutely cherish her personality.

She is definitely the girl that doesn’t care what you think and is going to do what she wants. As a four year old- I can barely handle her but as an adult I know she will be fierce.

This is truly the epitome of their relationship. Gosh, I love these kiddos.
Sometimes just enjoying the little moments are the greatest blessings.