If you’re looking for an easy and FREE printable to show your gratitiude, I have you covered.
These printables are easy to download, once you print and cut then you’re ready to go.
One of the best things to receive from a student is a handwritten note. It’s the most memorable and personal thing you can do for your child’s teacher. Of course, a small gift card or gift is appreciated.
You can see many different ways to use the printables, including gift tags and cards. Once you download the pdf you can choose which pages you like. I always print gift tags and cards onto cardstock, but paper will work fine as well. Then I cut them out. Super easy!

And because I’m so thankful for you for supporting my page, I’d love to offer you these gift tags and notes at no charge.
Thankful Notes and Gift Tags
Be sure to share with me how you used these printable gift tags by tagging me on Instagram or commenting below.

Thank you so much for these. They were a time saver.
So glad they helped!!