It happened… I went to Vegas and schmoozed with the best of them! I still can’t believe all the wonderful people I met and all the amazing things I learned. I came back SO motivated and READY to work!
I had been chatting with Crystal over at Kreative in Kinder (who is amazing by the way) and she mentioned they had room for me to crash with them during Vegas week…. Umm YEAH!
So I booked my flight, printed my session notebook and said goodbye to my babies… the first overnight without Mia (yes, I cried) but they were in good hands with Daddy.
As soon as I got there I headed straight to the Blogger Meet Up hosted by TPT and SDE and it was a pretty cool event. I can’t believe I got to hang out with these awesome bloggers!! And they gave out a TON of fabulous prizes!
I am so thankful for these ladies to introduce me to everyone, they were so so so sweet!
My very first picture was with this awesome lady! Cara Carroll, y’all! She was the most amazing woman to talk to… she is exactly who you assume she is, a down-to-earth girlfriend that you can just chat with! I can’t get over how cool it was to talk to her like a real person, she was awesome!
If you don’t know these people you must be living under a rock! Jk But here are their names from top left.
Holly and Hope in their fab outfits, I was so starstruck.
I got to catch Katie’s awesome session about how she does centers, so many great ideas!!
I also got a glimpse of these up and coming frames for fast finishers!
I was very impressed that TPT had such a smooth and orderly conference. Everything was so well done and organized, it was great!
I got to meet and chat with the founder himself Paul Edelman. Wow, thanks to this guy we have our amazing marketplace that most teachers can’t live without!
Great sessions all day and a little dinner and fun that evening.
Buddy V’s was so amazing!
Teachers know how to have a good time!
Every session was outstanding and I have notes and notes about each one, but here were a couple of slides that really hit home…
That is A LOT of money teachers are making for creating products.
Of course this spoke to me because I always use the excuse “there’s no time” but Erin Cobb said it best, “you make time for what you love”. So I need to create a quiet work time each day for products and blogging, I love doing it so why not?!
My last night was a memorable one for sure!
One more snapshot wih this girl
And the Queen herself Deanna Jump was so cool. I loved chatting with her about family and kids, she is so sweet!
Then it was time to get back to my babies!
Thanks for sticking through this entire post I know there were a lot of pictures to go through but so glad you did. I have a couple of freebies that I’ve been working on that I’ll be posting next week. Be sure to follow my TPT store to be the first to grab them!
Oh yeah and if you’re not Periscope yet you need to jump on that! Teachers everywhere have taken over and it is dangerously awesome! I have seen so many good live videos from other teachers that inspire me so hop on and find me at Moore Fun in First.
Kindergarten is very important way for teach kids.
kids learning disabilities