It’s always hard to get a few gifts to my kids for Valentine’s Day because we just had Christmas and birthdays are sandwiched around this month. So I’ve compiled a list of things I think my kids would still enjoy and that they need. Below is a numbered list of each item along with a link.

- Kids Echo Dot I am so excited for this gift for Maddox! This Echo Dot not only has a kid-friendly rubber case but has parental control settings. It also comes with a free one year subscription
- Watercolors I know this one is kind of random but Mia has been loving painting lately so a new set of paints and brushes are in order.
- Girls Princess Nightgown I think nightgowns are waaay underrated. Mia doesn’t sleep in anything other than a long dress. So this princess one will definielytl become a favorite!
- Caboodle– This one is actually a Christmas gift, but she loves it so much I thought I should share it with you. Not only does it bring back many memories from my childhood but she loves keeping her “make-up” in it and taking it out to play.
- Girls Knee High Socks I found this adorable set on Amazon and I’m glad I did, they are the best fit and the kind that don’t fall down.
- Girls Hunter Rain Boots This one is another Christmas gift but if you’re needing a new pair for Spring, this pretty color would be a great option!
- Vivo Fit Jr.– Another Christmas gift (belated) but Maddox has not taken this thing off. He keeps track of the time and his steps and he loves it!
- Unicorn Leather Purse– How cute is this purse, every little girl needs a unicorn crossbody!
- Walkie Talkie We love using walkie talkies around here. The kids still don’t know how to wait for the response, (so they keep talking) but it’s still fun!
- Marvel Superhero Helmet– I think he will love this really cool design for a helmet. Plus with that crazy hill we have, it wouldn’t hurt to wear it even when coming down on the plasma car.
- Glow Pillow Mia is going through a phase of not going down without having (almost all) the lights on in her room. So I thought this would be a fun little glow light to keep her company until sleep covers her.
Hopefully you get an idea or two with these gifts. I can’t wait to give some of these to our kiddos. They are going to be so excited!