Our summer has officially started and I can’t wait to spend all my time with the fam! This has been the first summer in two years that I have not enrolled my kids in two day a week daycare and I’m handling ALL of their camps, classes and extracurriculars on my own! It’s a bit overwhelming but I know the kids will enjoy having lots of fun things to do all summer long!
We started off our summer break by making an impromptu camping trip with some of our closest friends. It started off great and ended with a thunder storm, a wet tent and a flat tire haha! You can’t help but laugh when things don’t go as planned but here’s the recap anyway!
Zach has been swamped with work lately so it was a great excuse to get away and just have some outdoor fun for a few days. So we packed up the canopy, tent, swimsuits and fishing poles and set off on our 3 hour drive to Possum Kingdom Lake for some R&R.
When we arrived the crew had everything set up including a really nice camper and the kiddos were already swimming in the lake! After we got situated and ready to rock, the rain came in… it wasn’t too bad at first, we just cuddled up under the canopy and enjoyed the time together talking and catching up!
Elliot read a story to the kids and they LOVED playing in the tents.
Thank goodness for the camper, we ended up snuggling up and watching a movie.
Once the rain stopped we enjoyed some hot dogs, smore’s and a little fishing!
That night the Moore’s fell asleep in the tent and we were woken up by a giant thunderstorm and had to move inside the camper (again, thankfully we had it thanks to our friends). Even though it was a little tight and uncomforatble we were just thankful to be inside during that crazy thunderstorm! Ha the next morning we packed up and headed out, realizing only minutes into the drive that we had a FLAT! Ahhh! Luckily our campsite had an air compressor so we filled it up and prayed it got us back home.. or at least to the nearest town!
We made it home safely Saturday and spent the day resting and catching up on some much needed laundry.
Sunday we woke up feeling refreshed and ready for church. When I got upstairs to get Mia ready she saw my dress and wanted to wear what mommy was wearing… um who am I to argue that?!
I can’t spread the word enough about the series we’re on. It’s all about Marriage and it’s called Captivating. You can podcast it here.. I promise you won’t be disappointed!
After naps we hung out with family and LOVED seeing Uncle Manny!!
It’s been a great start to summer, even with all the rain! We’re off to spend our day together, see y’all later!
And if you haven’t checked out my May Book Review you can check it out here! Some of my all time favs are in that list!